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Disconnecting from Cancer Consciousness Masterclass


This Masterclass clears you from any belief systems you have about cancer — any types of cancer. Whatever belief systems of cancer you are plugging into and whatever fears of cancer gnawing at you, your loved ones.

» Scroll down below to learn what you’ll get from this session.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer updated an estimated 19.3 million new cancer cases and almost 10.0 million cancer deaths occurred in 2020 worldwide.

Have a glimpse into the session.

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✦ One-hour powerful energy-clearing that releases you from your fears and belief systems about cancers and getting them.

✦ Raising your vibration towards manifesting vibrant health as the sacred energies continue to work on you for days, weeks, and even months.

✦ Lower risk of cancer as you disconnect from the collective cancer consciousness.

 GUIDED MEDITATION: Tapping your creative power so you’ll manifest vibrant health and attract the life you desire.

The Source Energy will run the class the whole time — from start to finish, aligning and connecting you to the Divine Energy of Love.

Here’s what people are saying about the Tamra Oviatt's Healing Sessions:

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