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Universal Birthright


Universal Birthright:
Claim your birthright as a universal being

This Activation expands you to your universal birthright and changes all the contracts you have on planet Earth, along with the belief systems and programs that go with those contracts. This energy is so expansive and freeing, allowing you to live into your universal birthright as a being one with the Source.

Universal Birthright:
Claim your birthright as a universal being

We are not just citizens of this planet. We are universal citizens where we are not separated by borders, colors, races, religions, and cultures. As universal citizens, we have equal birthrights.

This Activation expands you to your universal birthright and changes all the contracts you have on planet Earth, along with the belief systems and programs that go with those contracts. This energy is so expansive and freeing, allowing you to live into your universal birthright as a being one with the Source.

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