Oracle Card Deck
These 50 Sacred Activations cards have been selected – by our Master Practitioners and Teachers – for their powerful energy.
The meaning of each card offers insights into what you need to heal to move forward. Showing you which aspects of your life need change, so you can create the results you want.
For example, you might think you need to work on your money issues, but the cards may point to family matters, as it might be the one blocking your abundance.
This reading is designed to help you find clarity in your next steps. May it bring you the guidance and support you’re seeking.
The card deck is available for free on our website and is not for sale.

Before you pick the cards, take slow, deep breaths. Ground yourself. Set your intention and focus on one or two specific questions. Trust and open yourself to the answers you receive.
When you’re reading your cards, read between the lines. To understand its full significance, interpret the message in a way that feels most relevant to your personal situation.