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Metaprogramming in the Human Biocomputer with

Do You Want To Speed Up Your Manifestation?

Manifestation Masterclass

Accelerate the process of manifesting your desires by removing your biggest manifestation blocks, downloading a manifestation mindset blueprint, and tuning into the highest manifestation frequencies. 

Offered by  Sacred Activations Founder Tamra Oviatt

Powered by Source God Energy


Live Online


8:00 AM PST


The Activations that you receive by Tamra RESONATE between 500–1,000, MOST ABOVE 900, which are HIGHER THAN MOST MASTERS CALIBRATED at in recorded planetary history.


Roshelle K. LeVA, MA, L.Ac.
Thetahealer Practitioner and Acupuncturist

"Sacred Activations Bring the Pure Unadulterated Truths Back Directly Through the Heart"

I am a Thetahealer Practitioner and Acupuncturist. I have learned and taught many different variations of energy work at The American Institute of Natural Healing. I work full time as an Acupuncturist in the chronic pain department at Kaiser Permanente in California USA.

I know you can test the frequency of consciousness (even including truth). (Levels of Consciousness can be mapped between 1–1,000). So, I used David R. Hawkins Frequent Resonator Chart and found that, levels of consciousness resonate at a level between 1–1,000, most people’s consciousness resonates between 300–400. However, the Activations that you receive by Tamra RESONATE between 500–1,000, MOST ABOVE 900, which are HIGHER THAN MOST MASTERS CALIBRATED at in recorded planetary history

These activations bring the pure unadulterated truths back to us directly through the Heart. Thank you, Tamra, for being the pure Heart to receive these Activations and make it possible for the rest of us to experience them through you.

Supercharge your manifesting powers.

PAY WHAT YOU WANT - Starting at $3

Please consider contributing more -- your generosity allows us to make our events more affordable to everyone in the world.

This masterclass is designed to bring results. You are going to receive Activations and Deactivations channeled from the Source that help you shed the energies that no longer match your highest desires!

Why Join?

This Masterclass aims to bring results. By taking part in this session, look forward to:

What Others Say

When I became a practitioner, I won in a TV show, Who Wants to be a Millionaire

Teresa Garcia

A few weeks later, I met him. And I was guided to visit two shrines to pray. And after that, we found ourselves as twin rays.

Ryoko Ishida

I’m so grateful to Tamra for showing me and everyone a way to clear my shit and create the life I want!

Amanda Erskine

What a magical life it has been since I started working for Tamra

Joan Mahor

Other Testimonials

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I can’t make it live?
No worries, you will have lifetime access to the recording added directly to your account dashboard at 24 to 48 hours after the live event. The recording is also downloadable for your convenience, so you can listen to it on your mobile device anytime and anywhere you want.
Will I get as much from the recording as I would have gotten from the live sessions?
ABSOLUTELY. This Sacred Energy transcends time and space. The replay is as powerful and potent as the live session. The energies are embedded into each recording and the results you’ll get from attending the live call are the same results when you watch it through the recording. Many clients also told us that they still listen to the recordings they got 5 or 10 years ago and still experience dramatic shifts.
Is it okay for my young children to join in during the session?
YES. Sacred Activations can't be misused. It's completely safe to receive Activations/Deactivations, regardless of your age and condition. It's an intelligent restorative divine energy and it only supports the highest good of all -- you can call it the Source/God/Universe/Creator of All That Is, and it goes directly to the areas where you need to heal, whether you're aware of them or not. If your children aren't ready to receive the energies, the Activations will not run on them, not until they're ready.
How fast will I experience the results?
As fast as you are ready. Many clients testify that miracles happen to them the next day or a few days after they receive the Activations. The shift is different for everyone -- some notice it right away and some notice it when they realize at some point that their physical health has improved, that their thoughts are becoming more empowering, or that the fear they've carried for so long is gone. Because once you receive the Activations, they will keep shifting and expanding you for days, weeks, even months, working on your beliefs, past conditioning, thought patterns, emotional reactions, consciousness, and vibration. What makes this modality different is that you are not required to do anything. You can keep doing what you usually do as the Activations work behind the scenes. You'll be surprised one day that you'll no longer be living in the same patterns and that your life is getting easier and calmer.

Actual Value $300

Get this for as Low as $3.00

What you will get:

For Live Class Only

  • Join the live call
  • Copy of the Magic Tree
  • E-book of Measure Your Success

For Live Class and Replay

  • Join the live call
  • Copy of the Magic Tree
  • E-book of Measure Your Success
  • Get life time access to the replay

Please consider contributing more. Your generosity allows us to make our events more affordable to everyone in the world.

Sacred Activations is a Subconscious Metaprogramming Healing Modality. It’s the EASIEST, FASTEST, and MOST POTENT healing transmission to receive directly from Source Energy (or the zero point field). 

To date, there are over 800 Channeled Energy Activations & Deactivations available.

Each specific Activation and Deactivation helps you:

REWIRE your brain to create new better patterns automatically;

UPGRADE your belief systems and past conditioning at subconscious level;

REWRITE your DNA, Timelines, and Blueprints;

CLEAR Trauma Imprints and Trapped Emotions from your energy bodies;

DISCONNECT you from fear, lack, and disease Collective Consciousness;

STOP you from living on autopilot and become more intentional in your everyday life; AND

EVOLVE into a version of you who is more secure and confident in your ability to manifest and create the life you want.

This is NOT a guided meditation, NOT an affirmation, NOT a how-to instruction, or anything like that!

THIS IS CHANNELED SOURCE ENERGY that’s actually doing the inner work for you.

About the Facilitator

Tamra Oviatt, Founder of Sacred Activations

Energy Healer I Medical Intuitive I Gridworker I Galactic & Multiversal Free Channel I Subconscious Metaprogrammer

Sacred Activations was gifted to her in 2012 at Rosslyn Chapel, Scotland, where she received her very first Sacred Geometry Activation from Lord Metatron, along with the Sacred Golden Seals that allow her to facilitate Activations on others.
Tamra Oviatt is a walk-in soul from Arcturus. From the age of three, she had two souls in her body until 2018 when the original soul chose to leave. She is now fully integrated to carry out the sacred work that was gifted to her.

Just recently, Tamra won The Ommie Award as Best Alternative Healer/Medical Intuitive at OMTimes Media.

Her free weekly healing show, Metaprogramming in the Human Biocomputer, was picked up by Iheart Radio for podcast. This show is available on Spotify, Amazon Music, iTunes, and Youtube TV.

She has also been featured on the cover of OMTimes Magazine, had an article published in Kindred Spirit Magazine, and is a regular guest on various spiritual and self-development shows and programs.

Tamra is now an author of 11 training books and a master teacher of 12 Sacred Activations and Akashic Records classes, certifying over 1500 practitioners around the world.

Become a Certified Master of Consciousness & Transformative Studies in Sacred Activations


Receive the first 30 Sacred Golden Seals to facilitate 1-on-1 healing with 30 Foundation Activations.

Supercharge your manifesting powers.

Get this for as Low as $3.00

What you will get:


• Copy of the Magic Tree
• E-book of Measure Your Success
• Get lifetime access to the replay

Please consider contributing more. Your generosity allows us to make our events more affordable to everyone in the world.


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A 2- session Masterclass of clearing your 7 Chakras from the belief systems, subconscious blocks, and fears that are holding you back. 

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