Ask for it.
There are times when everything feels overwhelming…
Here’s what I want you to remember:
In those overwhelming moments, you don’t have to handle it all on your own.
Ask the universe for what you want.
You can ask for a little magic to show up, for a spark of light, for a solution you haven’t seen yet, or for a moment of pure joy to remind you to keep moving forward.
A few days ago, I was in the pool, saw two butterflies, and asked, “Butterflies, where are you? I miss you. I want to see you.”
The next morning, around 8:30, I was making coffee when Mike, my husband, said, “I’m going swimming.”
I told him I’d join him after I finished my coffee.
Then I decided, why not have my coffee in the pool?
I put on my bathing suit and head out. As I was going out, Mike came in.
He said, “You have to see all the butterflies!”
When I got in the pool, there were over 500 butterflies flying around over my head!
And this happened for three days!
I asked for butterflies, and they showed up.
Take a moment and ask for what you need.
Speak it out loud, whisper it to yourself, or just close your eyes and feel it in your heart.
You’ll be surprised how the universe responds when you put that energy out there.
There’s power in asking. Allow yourself to ask for it—and trust that it will find its way to you.
So, what magic are you asking for today?
Also, here’s a free healing to help clear overwhelm and suicidal thoughts.