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Rewire your brain to speed up your manifestation.

Metaprogramming in the Human Biocomputer with

Clear Your Manifestation Blocks



  • Remove your biggest manifestation blocks;
  • Adopt a new manifestation mindset; and 
  • Match your energy vibration to your desires.

Offered by  Sacred Activations Founder Tamra Oviatt

Powered by Source God Energy


When I became a practitioner, I won in a TV show, Who Wants to be a Millionaire.

Teresa Garcia

A few weeks later, I met him. And I was guided to visit two shrines to pray. And after that, we found ourselves as twin rays.

Ryoko Ishida

I’m so grateful to Tamra for showing me and everyone a way to clear my shit and create the life I want!

Amanda Erskine

What a magical life it has been since I started working for Tamra

Joan Mahor


What is Manifestation Masterclass about?

Here's what the attendees of the live masterclass said

Supercharge your manifesting powers.

This is 100% FREE for you.

What you'll get:


Receive OVER 25 ACTIVATIONS/DEACTIVATIONS to change your belief systems and mindset that cause your desires and intentions to take so long to manifest.

Activations/Deactivations included but not limited to:

This Activation clears the belief or idea that you have to renounce material possessions and personal wealth to find a deeper spiritual connection. Wealth isn’t bad; the real problem is being overly attached to it or using it in greedy ways. Wealth, when used with gratitude, generosity, and responsibility, is a powerful tool for doing good, for making a positive impact in the world. By receiving this energy, you’re allowing wealth into your life without feeling guilty about it.

Money activation dissolves and releases any programs we might have about judging people, ourselves or others, based on money. It works the tendency one might have to regard people positively or negatively in response to their relative abundance, as well as the complementary tendency to feel better or worse about ourselves based on some sort of material estimation of our worth. It is about letting go of these inherited and collective wealth consciousness patterns, and becoming able to interact with everyone with a spirit of true equality and of mutual respect. This activation releases you from genetic cultural, religious beliefs of being too good or not good enough. It aligns you to be a citizen of the universe without judging yourself or others. It allows you to align with your peers and feel good about yourself, no matter how you grew up.

Do you find yourself playing it small so others can feel comfortable around you? Are you afraid of your true power? Do you work in jobs that do not use your full potential? Are you ready to be in your full power and full creativity? Here’s an activation that will free you from your “box” and open you up to the REAL you.

Heal your inner child. This Activation reconnects you to your inner child, allowing you to release and heal your childhood traumas, as well as addressing the negative conditioning you received as a child.
Everyone has inner child. Our inner child is the subconscious part of ourselves or a piece of our souls that may hold energies that are stuck in those areas of our lives where we have experienced neglect, trauma, or deep emotional wound.
This Activation reclaims pieces of your soul that were left from your past timelines and other lifetimes and brings those stuck energies back to you in the NOW.
This Activation helps you to:
– Clear out traumas, unresolved wounds, and stuck energies that cause part of you to be left in other timelines, lifetimes, or realms.
– Heal and get your inner child out from a place of suffering.
– Shed childhood anxieties, fears, and conditioning that you’ve carried into adulthood.
– Shift your foundation beliefs into alignment with your personal power.

This is for women who feel the need to be a damsel in distress, to be weak or need to be rescued. This is also for men who feel they have to rescue women. This allows both parties to be in their personal power and attract a balanced and healthy relationship. This clears on the past lives, collective consciousness, and genetic consciousness levels.

Never settle for just “good enough”
Do you find yourself settling for “good enough”? Which area in your life that you believe as “good enough” and not even close to fulfilling your potential? Why settle for “good enough” when you know you’re capable for more and you deserve more?
This Activation allows you to do more, to accept more, to pursue more of what life has to offer — may it be in your job, in your relationship, or however this energy plays out in your life.
When you don’t accept “good enough” as your personal standard, you’re allowing yourself to:
  • Reach your maximum potential;
  • Receive more of what you deserve;
  • Become the best that you can be; and
  • Live a fulfilling and rewarding life.

Is something always happening that creates fear within you? This activation removes the belief that there is danger around every corner and frees you from the fear associated with it.

In the collective wound, one must struggle to survive, and survival is a struggle. This activation is about gaining release from having to fight to survive, from having to be in that energy.



ACTIVATE SACRED GEOMETRY IN YOUR BODY – This gets you into vibrational alignment with your desires, so you’ll be in a non-resistant state conducive for manifestations to occur effortlessly. 

Listen to this everyday – you’ll be surprised at how quickly the Universe will respond to your manifestations. This is a super-potent manifesting meditation you wouldn’t want to miss!

Sacred Geometry/Activations:

This activation is going to teach you how to become that pillar of light that you truly are; how to shoot it up, and how to see it. And when you get really good at this as you practice this, you’ll be able to see the arrows and everything else being shot at you and be able to clear them to bring you into your power.

This activation brings the sacred geometric codes for the tetrahedron into your DNA. This information from the 6th Plane will activate your 18 strands of DNA and accelerate their evolution to the new, crystalline form. It will increase your awareness of and communication with the higher realms. It will also enable you to navigate Earth’s changes with greater ease and allow you to be in sync with Gaia’s evolution from a 3rd dimensional planet.

Sacred Geometry lines you up with the earth and stars and it gives you the ability to shift your vibration to a higher frequency to move forward with the ability of ascension, love and healing on all levels.

This increases your healing and intuitive abilities. It allows you to more easily communicate with your Higher-Self, guides, angels, and the Creator. It also amplifies clairvoyance and clairaudience, which will make it possible for you to fully comprehend what is taking place in healings.

Based on Sacred Geometry, you will focus on six elements and bring them into the one. This can be things such as “I am abundant”, “I am free”…whatever you desire to create in your life. With the Seed of Life, your energy is focused to manifest that which you truly desire, by fertilizing and planting the crops that will lead you to the life you dream of and deserve.



  • CREATIVE GENE – Manifest with more ease and grace. 
  • SOULMATE ACTIVATIONAttract a nurturing and supportive soulmate relationship. 
  • LORD METATRON – Activate your DNA up to 18 strands and raise your vibration instantly.



A powerful tool to help you in your manifestation journey – Write down three (3) things that you want to manifest on the printed copy of the Magic Tree. Look at it even just 5 minutes a day or while you’re listening to the Guided Meditation.

magic+tree (Small)

Magic Tree Success Stories

“Hi Tamra! I have something I would like to tell you about. I am having a baby on November 22nd, after 8 years of infertility treatments and a miscarriage! At the age of  44! I owe this to you and SA and all the practitioners who have worked with me. And I was also told that it was because of your MAGIC TREE. Thank you so much for everything.  When I took your Animal Akashic Records class, I was surprised to receive a totally unexpected message from my dog (Shetland Sheepdog) who had passed away, telling me that if I wanted to have children, I could. It was a time when I was clearing my mind to give up on having a baby.  Medical Intuitive was able to heal my uterus. Spiritually I healed many sexual wounds from past lives. Physically, in August 2022, I was told that I needed surgery for an 8 cm cyst due to endometriosis. I was told to use a blue laser light running from the top of my head, so I did, and a few days later a CT scan showed that the cyst was less than 3 centimeters. The doctor was surprised, but surgery was not necessary. I was then able to get pregnant. The cyst has now completely gone.  Without all of these things, I would not have a baby in my belly today. Thank you, thank you, thank you!   Sincerely, with love🧡”

Yuri Ochida
Sacred Activations Master Practitioner/Teacher

“Almost three weeks ago I received a Magic tree PDF from Tamra’s team. I printed it out and wrote 3 things to manifest.

 On my list is I want to be mortgage free in 2023!  Today – Less than 3 weeks later I got some incredible news.  I am about to receive a lump sum payment that will enable me to be mortgage free in 2023.

 I’m so grateful to Tamra for showing me and everyone a way to clear my shit and create the life I want!


Amanda Erskine
Sacred Activations Master Practitioner/Teacher

Supercharge your manifesting powers.

This is 100% FREE for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will I get as much from the recording as I would have gotten from the live sessions?
ABSOLUTELY. This Sacred Energy transcends time and space. The replay is as powerful and potent as the live session. The energies are embedded into each recording and the results you’ll get from attending the live call are the same results when you watch it through the recording. Many clients also told us that they still listen to the recordings they got 5 or 10 years ago and still experience dramatic shifts.
Is it okay for my young children to join in during the session?
YES. Sacred Activations can't be misused. It's completely safe to receive Activation/Deactivation, regardless of your age and condition. It's an intelligent restorative divine energy and it only supports the highest good of all -- you can call it the Source/God/Universe/Creator of All That Is, and it goes directly to the areas where you need to heal, whether you're aware of them or not. If your children aren't ready to receive the energies, the Activations will not run on them, not until they're ready.
How fast will I experience the results?
As fast as you are ready. Many clients testify that miracles happen to them the next day or few days after they receive the Activations. The shift is different for everyone -- some notice it right away and some notice it when they realize at some point that their physical health has improved, that their thoughts are becoming more empowering, or that the fear they've carried for so long is gone. Because once you receive the Activations, they will keep shifting and expanding you for days, weeks, even months, working on your beliefs, past conditioning, thought patterns, emotional reactions, consciousness, and vibration. What makes this modality different is that you are not required to do something. You can keep doing what you usually do as the Activations work behind the scenes. You'll be surprised one day that you'll no longer be living in the same patterns and that your life is getting easier and calmer.

Supercharge your manifesting powers.

This is 100% FREE for you.

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Sacred Activations is a Subconscious Metaprogramming Healing Modality. It’s the EASIEST, FASTEST, and MOST POTENT healing transmission to receive directly from Source Energy (or the zero point field).

To date, there are over 800 Channeled Energy Activations & Deactivations available.

Each specific Activation and Deactivation helps you:

REWIRE your brain to create new better patterns automatically;

UPGRADE your belief systems and past conditioning at subconscious level;

REWRITE your DNA, Timelines, and Blueprints;

CLEAR Trauma Imprints and Trapped Emotions from your energy bodies;

DISCONNECT you from fear, lack, and disease Collective Consciousness;

STOP you from living on autopilot and become more intentional in your everyday life; AND

EVOLVE into a version of you who is more secure and confident in your ability to manifest and create the life you want.

This is NOT a guided meditation, NOT an affirmation, NOT a how-to instruction, or anything like that!

THIS IS CHANNELED SOURCE ENERGY that’s actually doing the inner work for you.

About the Facilitator

Tamra Oviatt, Founder of Sacred Activations

Energy Healer I Medical Intuitive I Gridworker I Galactic & Multiversal Free Channel I Subconscious Metaprogrammer

Sacred Activations was gifted to her in 2012 at Rosslyn Chapel, Scotland, where she received her very first Sacred Geometry Activation from Lord Metatron, along with the Sacred Golden Seals that allow her to facilitate Activations on others.
Tamra Oviatt is a walk-in soul from Arcturus. From the age of three, she had two souls in her body until 2018 when the original soul chose to leave. She is now fully integrated to carry out the sacred work that was gifted to her.

Just recently, Tamra won The Ommie Award as Best Alternative Healer/Medical Intuitive at OMTimes Media.

Her free weekly healing show, Metaprogramming in the Human Biocomputer, was picked up by Iheart Radio for podcast. This show is available on Spotify, Amazon Music, iTunes, and Youtube TV.

She has also been featured on the cover of OMTimes Magazine, had an article published in Kindred Spirit Magazine, and is a regular guest on various spiritual and self-development shows and programs.

Tamra is now an author of 11 training books and a master teacher of 12 Sacred Activations and Akashic Records classes, certifying over 1500 practitioners around the world.

To further help you in your manifestation journey, get our


This is a deep dive into your blueprint to reset your money programming and activate your highest path to all forms of abundance in this lifetime.

Receive over 80 Activations/Deactivations to help you attract wealth in all areas of your life.

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