Dear Universe, which Activations would serve me today? GET YOUR FREE READINGS NOW


If I were the President

Today, take a moment to think about the world, as it exists in your thoughts, right where you’re sitting. What do you see? How do you honestly feel about our world right now? BECAUSE the most empowering—and the scariest—thing I can tell you right now is that we’re creating all of this. All of this. 

If I were the President Read More »

I’ve never been so excited about my skills as an SA Practitioner

I’m excited to share about the practitioner training we did last week!  We just finished Timelines and Parallel Universes — and every practitioner who joined is ready to do more magic! They can now replace traumatic past lifetimes with beautiful alternative lives.  And remove unwanted experiences from future timelines, too! This process has been life-changing

I’ve never been so excited about my skills as an SA Practitioner Read More »

Black Magic on the Planet

We are being hypnotized. Everyday I have watched how black magic plays out on the planet.  We see dark hypnosis at work through the media, social channels, influential figures, even the people we trust.  They program us to believe what they want us to believe. They wire our brain to overlook the good and zero

Black Magic on the Planet Read More »

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