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Living in the 5th Dimensional Consciousness

OMTimes 16th Shifting from a Duality Cycle into a Unity Cycle with Gary Bonnell and Tamra Oviatt

Tune in to this call as Tamra and Gary Bonnell share a new understanding about human as a three-fold being; that is, human as a physical body, a spirit, and an eternal soul.

You’ll also learn about the shift that is happening right now, from a duality cycle into a new unity cycle, and how we, humans, are purging all the remaining unresolved issues and inner conflicts we’ve carried from the old cycle of life and existence.

This episode brings a fresh, revolutionary perspective about humanity and the Universe as a whole.

Activations/Deactivations you’ll receive in this session:
Fear of the Future
Death Star


Gary has offered private Akashic Records sessions for over forty years for individuals from all walks of life. His primary focus has been teaching others to consciously access the Akashic Records. As a conscious reader of the Akashic Records, he has compiled a history of human development in our solar system that goes back tens of millions of years.

To learn more about Gary and his work, visit him at Facebook

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