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The Clairvoyant’s Crossroads: Empowering Lives Through Intuition I Kate Kephart and Tamra Oviatt

The Clairvoyant’s Crossroads: Empowering Lives Through Intuition I Kate Kephart and Tamra Oviatt


Join Tamra and her friend of 27 years, Kate Kephart, in their conversation about how they empower each other’s lives through their intuitive gifts and how Kate is able to help you through her clair senses. 


At the end of this session, Tamra runs the Sky Is Falling Activation to clear your belief or feeling that something tragic or life-threatening is about to occur and free you from the overwhelming fears associated with it.

About the Guest:

Kate Kephart was born a natural intuitive with all clair sense and she spent years helping people find their lost or stolen items, as well as missing pets and people. She also helps people diagnose their physical or medical issues, even when their doctors couldn’t find anything wrong. And she enjoys helping guide people with their decision making. 


To connect with her, email her at ____

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