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Metaprogramming in the Human Biocomputer

Sacred Activations Membership

Offered by Sacred Activations Founder Tamra Oviatt
Powered by The Highest Divine Source Energy

With Over 1500 Certified Practitioners worldwide

As featured in

Sacred Activations offers you UNLIMITED ACCESS to hundreds of Energy Activations and Deactivations to help facilitate ease and flow in your manifestations, relationships, business, physical health, or any areas of your life where you feel deeply unfulfilled.

Healing Transmissions


Activate Sacred Geometry in your body. Receive Energy Activations that heal you at DNA Level.

Subconscious Upgrade


Rewire your Belief Systems and Reset your Mindset. Automatically!

Channeled Webinar and Masterclassses


Listen to high-frequency healing sessions to shift your timeline and vibration instantly.

Start at only $8 for your first month

Shift your energy in less than 10 minutes any time of the day

The goal of Sacred Activations is for you to experience long-term, real results through a quick, simple, and effortless energy process. Starting with peeling away your fear-based, deeply-rooted beliefs one layer at a time!

What areas in your life do you
need freedom and breakthrough?


Form healthy self-relationship. Heal family wounds & childhood traumas. Attract the right partner.

  • Family Constellations
  • Soulmate Activation
  • Healthy Boundaries
  • Inner Child Reconnection
  • Divine Union


Clear abundance and manifestation blocks. Rewire money beliefs. Shed scarcity mindset.

  • Debt Deactivation
  • Lack and Limitation
  • The Grass Is Always Greener
  • Money Gene
  • Millionaire Collective Consciousness


Activate 5D Frequencies and Crystalline DNA. Accelerate ascension. Connect with Source.

  • Lord Metatron
  • Moses Code/Tree of Life
  • Fruit of Life
  • Christ Consciousness
  • Seed of Life


Heal your body on cellular level. Release stuck emotional energies. Process traumas.

  • Hormones in Balance
  • Age Reversal 
  • Organ Rejuvenation
  • Addiction Redirection
  • Disconnect From Disease Consciousness


Activate psychic centers in your brain. Connect with your Higher Self and Higher-Dimensional Beings. Clear intuition blocks.

  • Godhead
  • Starseed
  • Stargate
  • Galactic Federation
  • Alchemy of the 5th Dimension


Find freedom from fears and worries. Disconnect from life dramas. Return to your heart center.

  • Drama Drama 
  • Karmic Loop
  • Prison Planet
  • Victim Victimizer
  • Sky Is Falling 

Be one of those who have experienced the magic of Sacred Activations!

“I performed the “Glass Ceiling” activation on my husband in the fall of 2021.. and today, he received a promotion and salary increase. Wow! Wow! Wow! Thanks to Tamra”

Felecia Lowe
Arizona, USA

“As we were shaking back and forth in our seats, I ran Life’s Grid around the plane and around myself. It was a couple of seconds later that all turbulence stopped..”

Dawn Wade-Kodin
California, USA

“My client had a successful business but things had gone downhill.. I worked on her, her home, and her business premises.. she now has many more contracts flowing in.”

Amanda Erskine
Tasmania, Australia

“I have afterwards listened to the activations “Meta-programming in the Human Biocomputer – It Is Safe to Be Me”. After listening, the pain has literally stopped..”

Ruth Bertossa
Lugano, Switzerland

Membership Options


VALUE: OVER $2,000

Get unlimited access for only $38/month
or $260/year (save addional $160)

✔️ 200+ Energy Clearings & Subconscious Upgrades- UNLIMITED ACCESS
✔️ 1400+ Minutes of Healing Activations Audios
✔️ 100% Money Back Guarantee after a full year of zero result
✔️ FLEXIBLE SUBSCRIPTION – End anytime with no questions asked
✔️ Perfect for people looking for a convenient way to experience healing by listening to audios, whether aloud or with earphones, during their daily tasks (except while driving).


Choose the Activations and Deactivations that suit your needs.

Love, Family, and Relationship

Form healthy self-relationship. Heal family wounds & childhood traumas. Attract the right partner.

Activations/Deactivations Included:

Abundance and Business

Clear abundance & manifestation blocks. Rewire money beliefs. Shed scarcity mindset.

Activations/Deactivations Included:

Intuition and Psychic Abilities

Activate psychic centers in your brain. Connect with your Higher Self and Higher-Dimensional Beings. Clear intuition blocks.

Activations/Deactivations Included:

Health, Aging, and Wellness

Heal your body on cellular level. Release stuck emotional energies. Process traumas.

Activations/Deactivations Included:


VALUE: OVER $20,000

✔️ 550+ Healing Transmissions & Subconscious Clearings MP3s and MP4s – UNLIMITED ACCESS 
✔️5000+ Minutes of Masterclass Healing Sessions with Multiple Sacred Activations & High-Frequency Guided Meditations
✔️ Choose from 6 Categories: Health, Relationships, Abundance, Mental & Emotional Wellness, Intuitive Abilities, and Spirituality
✔️ 100% Money-Back Guarantee after a FULL YEAR of zero result
✔️ Flexible Subscription – End anytime with no questions asked
✔️ Responsive Customer Support for all your queries and concerns

VIP Membership-product image



Over 90% OFF!

VALUE: $28,000

Get VIP ACCESS for only $100/month
$997/year (save additional $203)

✔️500+ Energy Clearings & Subconscious Upgrades Audios & Videos, including all the Activations from Basic Membership – UNLIMITED ACCESS (Worth $20,000)

✔️1000+ Minutes of Masterclass Healing Sessions, including 2022-2024 Masterclasses. (Worth $5000)

✔️ 4 Power Webinar Series with Intensive Weekly Sessions (Worth $2000)

✔️ 10 FREE ACCESS to Upcoming Webinar/Masterclass Sessions (Worth $260)



You'll get so much more value than what it costs!

Get Unlimited Access to hundreds of Activations and Deactivations, including masterclass and webinar sessions, in both audio and video format. Enjoy the recordings, whether you’re at home, in your office, in nature, or during your commute. Do not listen while driving.

Your go-to, quick, simple and potent tool that offers instant energetic shifts. Sacred Activations works on all aspects of your life at cellular, subconscious, energetic, and collective levels. Even just one Activation/Deactivation can create a huge difference. 

All you need to do is to open up to receive and see the results in no time.

Upgrade your wellness routine by adding Sacred Activations to the mix. Whether it’s a morning ritual or a weekly reset, you can receive the energy as often as you need.  You can’t overdo it. Just remember to receive only what you can comfortably handle. 

What’s more, each time you re-listen to the same Activation, you’ll shed another layer of energy that no longer matches your highest good.

Enjoy unlimited access to $28,000 worth of contents for just $3 a day.

This is not a lengthy lecture, a how-to instruction, a guided meditation, or anything like that! This is a LIVING INTELLIGENT ENERGY that does the inner work for you. You don’t need to spend hours and hours trying to reprogram your mind on your own anymore.

SA Membership Hero Image

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

If you’ve been using Sacred Activations faithfully and consistently AFTER A FULL YEAR and haven’t noticed a single change in both your inner and outer world, we’ve got a promise for you. We’ll gladly give you your money back! It’s our way of saying we’re committed to making a real difference in your life.

Embody the greatness you came here to be.

Only $8 on your first month for Basic and Premium


✔️ 200+ Energy Clearings & Subconscious Upgrades – UNLIMITED ACCESS
✔️ 1400+ Minutes of Healing Activations Audios
✔️ 100% Money-Back Guarantee after a FULL YEAR of zero result
✔️ Flexible Subscription – End anytime with no questions asked

Save Additional $160


✔️500+ Energy Clearings & Subconscious Upgrades – UNLIMITED ACCESS ( Worth $20,000)

✔️1000+ Minutes of Masterclass Healing Sessions, including 2022-2024 Masterclasses. (Worth $5000)

Overview of the Masterclass Healing Sessions

✔️ 4 Power Webinar Series with Intensive Weekly Sessions (Worth $2000)

Overview of 4 Power Webinar Series

✔️ 10 FREE ACCESS to upcoming webinar and Masterclass sessions (Worth $260)

$100 per month

Save Additional $203


✔️ 200+ Healing Transmissions & Subconscious Clearings MP3s – UNLIMITED ACCESS
✔️ OVER 1,400 Minutes of Audios
✔️ Choose from 4 Categories: Health, Relationships, Abundance, and Intuitive Abilities
✔️ 100% Money-Back Guarantee after a FULL YEAR of zero result
✔️ Flexible Subscription – End anytime with no questions asked
✔️ Responsive Customer Support for all your queries and concerns


Save Additional $160


✔️ 550+ Healing Transmissions & Subconscious Clearings MP3s and MP4s – UNLIMITED ACCESS
✔️5000+ Minutes of Masterclass Healing Sessions with Multiple Sacred Activations & High-Frequency Guided Meditations
✔️ Choose from 6 Categories: Health, Relationships, Abundance, Mental & Emotional Wellness, Intuitive Abilities, and Spirituality
✔️ 100% Money-Back Guarantee after a FULL YEAR of zero result
✔️ Flexible Subscription – End anytime with no questions asked
✔️ Responsive Customer Support for all your queries and concerns


Save Additional $556

About Sacred Activations

Sacred Activations, also called the Subconscious Metaprogramming Modality, is the EASIEST, FASTEST, and MOST POTENT energy healing transmission to receive. Currently, there are more than 800 channeled Activations and Deactivations available.

Each specific Activation and Deactivation help you to:

  • Rewire your brain to respond in a more empowering and positive way;
  • Upgrade your subconscious programs (core beliefs, past conditioning, and mental, emotional, & behavioral patterns);
  • Rewrite your DNA, Timelines, and Blueprints;
  • Release trauma imprints and stuck energies from your energy bodies;
  • Disconnect you from fear-based collective consciousness;
  • Naturally stop living on autopilot and become more aware; and
  • Start living a more empowered, more aligned, high-vibrational creative life.

This is NOT Guided Meditation. This is NOT affirmations/mantras. This is NOT NLP or Hypnosis. This is  NOT how-to instructions, or anything like that!

THIS IS A CHANNELED SOURCE ENERGY that’s actually doing the inner work for you, rewiring your brain for you, and changing your subconscious mind programming for you.

About the Facilitator

TAMRA OVIATTEnergy Healer / Medical Intuitive / Gridworker / Galactic Channel / Keynote Speaker

Tamra is the Founder of Sacred Activations, an energy-based Subconscious Metaprogramming Modality gifted to her by Source Creator in 2012 at Rosslyn Chapel, Scotland.

She received her very first Sacred Geometry Activation from Lord Metatron, along with the Sacred Golden Seals that allow her to give Activations on others. To date there are more than 800 channeled Activations and Deactivations available. 

Tamra Oviatt is a walk-in soul from Arcturus. From age three, she had two souls in her body until 2018 when the original soul chose to leave. She is now fully embodied and carries out the sacred work that was gifted to her. 

Just recently, Tamra won The Ommie Award as Best Alternative Healer/Medical Intuitive at OMTimes Media for her free healing weekly show, Metaprogramming in the Human Biocomputer. Additionally, Iheart picked up this very show for podcast content. 

Tamra is now an author of 9 training books and a master teacher of 12 transformative Sacred Activations and Akashic Records classes, certifying over 1500 practitioners around the world.

She has also been featured on the cover of OMTimes Magazine, had an article published in Kindred Spirit Magazine, and is a regular guest on various spiritual and self-development shows and programs. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Will I get as much from the recording as I would have gotten from the live sessions?
ABSOLUTELY. Sacred Energy transcends time and space. The replay is as powerful and potent as the live session. The energies are embedded in each recording. Whether you join live or watch the recordings later, you'll experience the same powerful results.
Is it okay for my young children to receive the Activations/Deactivations?
YES. Sacred Activations can't be misused. It's completely safe to receive Activations/Deactivations, regardless of your age and condition. It's an intelligent restorative divine energy supporting the highest good of all -- you can call it the Source/God/Universe/Creator of All That Is. The energy goes directly to the areas where you need to heal, whether you're aware of them or not. If your children aren't ready to receive the energies, the Activations will not run on them, not until they're ready.
How often can I receive the Activations?
Receive the Activation as often as you can handle, but allow time to integrate this energy before listening to it again. We suggest you hold off making any major life decisions for the next three months as your energy system recalibrates.
What to expect after receiving the Activations?
The Integration Process – this is the part of your healing process where you release old unhealthy energetic patterns from your energy fields/bodies and integrate new higher energy frequencies. The integration process after receiving the Activations is different for everyone. It may range from being very subtle to being very intense. Some clients may experience a period of total bliss and high positive energy. Others may experience a mix of emotions which could include feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, or angry in the next few days to weeks as stuck energies bubbled to the surface and cleared away. Some people don’t even feel anything, yet the Activations still work on them behind the scenes.
What to do during the Integration Process?
Give yourself extra love and compassion. This is the time to be more gentle with yourself. Listen to any guided meditation for grounding. Drink plenty of water, go out in nature, or just imagine yourself being embraced by Mother Earth. You can also spend time journaling or doing artwork. You can ask the energy to slow down or ask your body to integrate without physical symptoms. Self-nurture and self-care are very important when you're going through a deep energetic integration. Remember to honor and trust this process.
How fast will I experience the results?
As fast as you are ready. The shift is different for everyone — some clients testify that miracles happen to them the next day or a few days after receiving the Activations. For some, their healing process involves gradual steps, and it’s essential to understand that the healing is still happening, regardless of the pace. What we guarantee you is that once you receive the Activations/Deactivations, they’ll keep shifting and expanding you for days, weeks, even months, working on your core beliefs, past programming, social conditioning, mental, emotional, and behavioral patterns, consciousness and perceptions, and energy vibrations. What makes this modality different is that you are not required to do anything or take any extra steps. You can keep doing what you usually do as the Activations work behind the scenes. You'll be surprised one day to find that you’re no longer stuck in your old patterns – your relationships improve, opportunities come your way, money flows easily, or your intuition grows stronger.
Can I cancel my subscription anytime?
Yes. If you no longer wish to continue with your membership for some reason, you can cancel your subscription anytime. Be assured that the energies you’ve already received will keep working on you. Just message for cancellation.

Are you ready to create an exceptional life?

Start at only 8% for your first month

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