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Master your creative power in  2 days


The Great Awakening

Attract, manifest, and create the life you desire. Automatically.


(In-Person and Live Online Event)

Metaprogramming in the Human Biocomputer


Offered by Sacred Activations Founder Tamra Oviatt

Powered by Source God Energy

Live Online

June 22-23

12:00 PM GMT


Your Master Key to a Life of Heaven-on-Earth.

There is a massive shift in consciousness happening on our planet right now. We, as a planet, are experiencing our Dark Night of the Soul, leaving us confused, lost, and overwhelmed. We are losing our purpose, not knowing where we’re headed. But this will be over soon. 

Because the old matrix is falling. And we are the beans of creation of the new 5D Earth. The future of the planet is up to us to create. A life of Heaven-on-Earth is in our hands to mold and shape. 

We’ve never had this chance before. Now is our opportunity to sprout and grow into the purest, brightest version of ourselves. Now is our time to be a conscious creator, to be an active participant in this transition to the new collective consciousness. 

So, we are called to go into our hearts, to get into our power, to keep our divine flame alive, to start NOW. 

Are you ready to take part?

But we are caught in the matrix.

There is a massive shift in consciousness happening on our planet right now. We, as a planet, are experiencing our Dark Night of the Soul, leaving us confused, lost, and overwhelmed. We are losing our purpose, not knowing where we’re headed. But this will be over soon. 

Because the old matrix is falling. And we are the beans of creation of the new 5D Earth. The future of the planet is up to us to create. A life of Heaven-on-Earth is in our hands to mold and shape. 

We’ve never had this chance before. Now is our opportunity to sprout and grow into the purest, brightest version of ourselves. Now is our time to be a conscious creator, to be an active participant in this transition to the new collective consciousness. 

So, we are called to go into our hearts, to get into our power, to keep our divine flame alive, to start NOW. 

Living in the matrix is like playing a game.

If you allow the matrix to take charge of your subconscious programming, you’ll become another chess piece, being moved about that way and this way by some stronger influences and outward causes, failing to realize that you are holding the scepter of power within you, that you are a powerful Mover, capable of moving mountains if you so choose.

Now, take a moment to assess your life. Look closely at your present timeline.

Are you genuinely happy and satisfied with what you see? Or are you living your everyday life in struggle, desperation, fear, and overwhelm?

Now is the time for you to wake up and unplug from the matrix, to get your power back, to be as you were born to be – a Creator, a Manifestor, a Mover. 

You must take charge of your own subconscious programming. You must consciously choose what programs to receive or not. 

That 95% subconscious programming that runs your life must move you to the creation of everything you desire. And that remaining 5% must be spent on consciously and intelligently telling your subconscious mind what to create through your power of will and choice.  

The key to living in wonders, miracles, and magic does not lie outside of you nor depend on those powerful figures out there. 

Look within for the answers to your heart’s desires. The Source is inherent in you. You already have the infinite intelligence, infinite power, and infinite supply of everything you need. You just have to realize that and work on that!

Are you ready to get out of the
mind matrix?

About this Event

The Great Awakening is an all-powerful opportunity and a game changer you’ll never find anywhere else. This event helps you live with your heart and get centered in your true power as the conscious creator of your life and as the active participant in the making of this planet’s future. 

This intensive and transformative event offers an easy, fast, and revolutionary approach to attracting, manifesting, and creating the life you desire by rewiring your brain and reprogramming your subconscious mind using the power of Sacred Activations.

This will give your subconscious mind a new direction, a new focus, a new pattern that is constructive, positive, and empowering, so you will naturally make choices and decisions that align to your highest good. 

This is truly about creating a life of Heaven-on-Earth for yourself and for others around you by healing your heart, clearing all your self-sabotaging belief programs, and making you realize that YOU are the power tool you need for creation. 

Throughout the whole week, you will be stripped from all the destructions of the matrix. Tamra journeys with you in your way to:

  • Living from your heart space. 
  • Embracing positive core beliefs. 
  • Getting out of the matrix of fear.
  • Accepting every aspect of yourself unconditionally.
  • Deepen your relationship with the Divine.
  • Increasing your present moment awareness.
  • Boosting your resilience against illnesses and diseases.
  • Tapping into your gifts and archetypes. 
  • Manifesting your most flourishing and abundant life.

Let the Powerful Divine YOU awaken!

How this event transforms your life.

Each session in and of itself is special and potent. You will be in divine space and highest vibration the entire duration of each session. 

Tamra will be working with and directed by the Source, sending tons of healing energies and expansive frequencies to you through Sacred Activations, clearing all your negative subconscious programming and replacing them with positive ones. 

The moment the Sacred Energy touches you, it will start working on you INSTANTLY. Sacred Activations is an intelligent energy that works directly on your subconscious mind and it keeps changing, overwriting, and upgrading your subconscious programs in an upward spiral for days, weeks, months, even years, for as long as you need it.

Reprogramming your subconscious mind can change YOU incredibly. It will clear multiple aspects of your life in which you have been limited, blocked, and powerless. 

The more you clear yourself, the more powerful you become, because you will be releasing those belief systems and conditioning that no longer serve you and that hold you back. 

The Great Awakening gets you out from the matrix programs of fear, anger, doubt, and other negative forms of thinking, because how are you going to be a bean of wonderful creation if you are in this place of dense energies? 

You have to sow a vibration of light, love, and beauty inside of you, so you will reap the same vibration outside of you. This is how the creation of all your desires start! 

As everything is made of energy, you will be cleared from the fear-based energy that surrounds your life and replace it with energy that is light, infinite, and rooted in love, leaving you feeling lighter, calmer, and more in control every after session. 

Then you’ll begin to notice that you walk through life with grace and ease.

You'll begin to see a massive shift in your vibrational energy, mindset, and perspective.

What will truly happen each session is way beyond what is being stated here. What you’ve read here is just a 10% overview of the actual magic that you will experience during the sessions. As every session will be powered by The Source, we can’t tell what will truly happen until it is over.

The Great Awakening is so much more than what we can put into words.

The Great Awakening is so much more than what we can put into words.

Here’s what people are saying during the Previous The Great Awakening 12-Week Series:

“Thank you Tamra. I saw unicorn when you said Rainbow Bridge”

Keiko Omata

“Beautiful and extremely powerful manifesting process! Truly helped me get clear on focus points for instant manifestation! Much gratitude Tamra!”


“Thank you so much. The Healing Staff is such a wonderful, yet simple idea, and the healing session was great.”

Sue Bridgeford

“I am crying now. Thank you for sharing your heart with us.”

Cindy Kuhlman

“Could feel a heat burning away the old and then an icy cool starting at my feet up through my body – a release, a cleansing, a new beginning all in one sitting. Keeping it simple, keeping it real. Thank you again Tamra for being such a wonderful conduit for the Sacred Activations as well as all of us, for stepping up and opening to change!”

Darlene Wiley-Pierce

“I love it! The visuals were wonderful, from violet rays of sunshine, healing staff of peace, love, joy, abundance, and health into the Earth, sparkling light! Brought a lot of clarity on just how powerful the labels are that we plug into. Amazing! Thank you Tamra/team! So grateful!”

Shawne Skribe

“Like a switchboard operator, I see all kinds of lines being unplugged with “x” on them and others being “plugged” in and lit up to a pure connection, crystal clear and one plug in at the base of a tree, into the root system of Mother Earth! So grateful!”

Shawne Skribe

“Oh my gosh, one of my requests was to have a mutual loving relationship. During the meditation, I had a vision of a little happy dog running towards me. My dog died 2 years ago and I have been wanting a dog. I didn’t write down a dog, but I had tears of joy when I saw the dog because I wanted the dog to come to me.”

Bertha Millner

“My back and stomach got worked on and rewired, energized and realigned. I was swimming with whales and dolphins at the end. So much beautiful energies.”

Bianca Desgroseilliers

“This was good timing. Was having extra health things happening the last few days and fasting. Brought up many things about what I have been through and hope, forgiveness, and healing.”

Kat Doherty

“My hands turned on when the clearing started. Then I saw continuous swirls of white light. Some brought up swirls which changed from brown to yellow to white.”

Jimmy Cone

What makes The Great Awakening different?

The Sacred Activations is the fastest, easiest, and most accessible healing modality worldwide. It does not only ground, heal, and balance your energy system remotely, but it also works on your subconscious mind. 

In The Great Awakening, you will receive 20 or more Activations each week to shift you in your power – tons of divine energy clearings and healings that guaranteed to expand you INSTANTLY. And the Sacred Energy will continue to work on you for days, weeks, months, even years. Imagine how huge that is!

This is a potent METAPROGRAMMING that will direct 95% of your subconscious programs to WORK FOR YOU and not against you. Tamra will use the power of Sacred Activations to remove self-defeating programs and install positive, empowering ones, so you can become a powerful manifestor who intelligently uses that remaining 5% to consciously create and manifest. 

Plus, you don’t need to wait for 21 days to rewire your brain!

As you journey through this entire series, you will begin to expand your awareness. This will take you into your heart’s sacred space, allowing you to see the world from that point of view. And what will happen when you shift to an elevated level of awareness? You will:

  • Become aware of the higher power within you 
  • Experience Oneness with the Source.
  • Become more compassionate to all creations
  • Have a change of perspective and outlook
  • Have an improved physical health and overall well-being
  • Increased self-acceptance and self-esteem
  • Increased your capacity for mindfulness

Tamra desires to help you win this game by opening a door of opportunity for you to get into your power and become a powerful player who defeats fear and conquer life with inner peace and boundless love. 

She offers The Great Awakening with a goal to make a difference in your life, to make a difference in the lives of those around you, and to make a difference in the future of our planet. Because receiving the Sacred Activations has a ripple effect – it expands and changes thousands of thousands of lives and it starts from YOU. 

This is the legacy Tamra wants to leave behind in this lifetime. 

It doesn’t end there!

Tamra will wrap up every session with a magical guided meditation that raises your emotional and spiritual vibration to manifest your best life and attract experiences that match your heart’s desires – this will bring in your power, your energy, your balance. 

A rare and priceless opportunity that is worth more than its price.

What to expect when you join The Great Awakening

Every session, you will experience a massive shift in your vibrational energy. Along with this is a shift in your mindset and perspective. 

You will begin to question your old beliefs, patterns, and social conditioning, clearing things in your life that no longer serve you while inviting new enriching things that resonate with your soul’s purpose. 

Everything that doesn’t align to your highest good will be stripped from you, including all aspects of your ego.

And you will emerge POWERFUL, ready to claim the life you know you deserve.

Over time, you will see changes in yourself. The amount of growth, transformation, love, and freedom that you’ll experience will blow you away. As the Sacred Activations continue to work on you, you will notice:

In this journey, you will be building the structure of your life through which your soul can thrive. The Great Awakening will heal, inspire, prosper, and strengthen you. It’s not a promise. It’s a guarantee.


Are you ready to become the best version of you?



Activate the Sacred Geometry within your body.



Connect to 5th Dimensional Consciousness and Beyond



Clear Negative Programming from your DNA



Reclaim your Divine Power of Creation



Connect to the 6th Plane of Consciousness where manifestations happen instantly.



Step outside your limits into the universe of possibilities of who you are and what you can be.



Disconnect your physical and energy body from disease consciousness.



Clear your Timelines (Past, Present, and Future) and Integrate All Aspects of Yourself.



Align with your Soul’s Divine Blueprint.



Connect to the Masters and Higher Beings of Love and Light.



Connect your Archetypes to Achieve Self-Mastery.



Total Oneness with the Source.

A rare and priceless opportunity that is worth more than its price.

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-Get life time access to the replay.
-Join the live class (Value: $997)
- Get instant access to previous Out of the Mind Matrix -The Great awakening (Value: $997)


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Take the class In-Person

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-Get life time access to the replay.
-Join the live class in Glastonbury (Value: $997)
- Get instant access to previous Out of the Mind Matrix -The Great awakening (Value: $997)


Save: $1594

Here’s what people are saying about the Previous The Great Awakening 12-Week Series:

“On getting your keys back. Immediately, there was a lineup of extended people and family members that said, ‘Here you go. Here you go.’ However, in my deepest conflict with my stepdad, he said to me, ‘I’m not done playing with you yet.’ And I found myself stepping in my power and saying, ‘Yes, we’re done playing. I want my keys.’ I’ve just had no idea that this was possible for that shift.”


“This is amazing. I mean, so powerful and beautiful. Just the way you guide us is just incredible. I felt trancy which I love. After the first guided meditation, I was still feeling some of the pain of what I was trying to clear. And when you said to integrate it in. And I thought, ‘yeah, you know, you have to integrate it, just let it go.’ And then you started doing something else. And then I went back to that feeling and the feeling wasn’t there anymore. So I think even just allowing myself to let go of trying to change it and let it go quicker. I’m getting the keys back. I literally found a key in my pocket of a prison that I put myself in. Yeah. I mean, incredible.”


“It was interesting, because getting my keys back. There were a couple of people I gave their keys back to. I had their keys, I didn’t need them, so I gave it back to them. And we did a key exchange.”

Thank you for ‘Getting your keys back’ Activation, it is so powerful. I ran it yesterday with a client. We ran it over all the belief of negative energies influences. This was wonderful. I needed another boost. Thank you so much, the shift is profound. Love these Sacred Activations sessions. They are so powerful.”

Biance Desgroseilliers

“Thank you Tamra for that. I didn’t realize how many disconnection programs I had. Some I purposely created to be safe. But they are no longer necessary!

Judy Hoyt

“I saw the blue diamonds coming into my crown before you mentioned it.

Cindy Kuhlman

“I saw the goddesses and them gifting me their powers.”


Melchizedek met me and opened my Akashic Record book. I couldn’t read it but the symbols lit up and he impressed it upon my heart with his hand. He said tomorrow when I woke up I’d know.”

Brenda Roquet

“I was with a lot of people and we were laughing, dancing, playing. Lots of hugs and beautiful communication between us. The energy was peace and love, thank you very much.

Daniela Sophia

Sacred Activations is a Subconscious Metaprogramming Healing Modality. It’s the EASIEST, FASTEST, and MOST POTENT healing transmission to receive directly from Source Energy (or the zero point field).

To date, there are over 800 Channeled Energy Activations & Deactivations available.

Each specific Activation and Deactivation helps you:

REWIRE your brain to create new better patterns automatically;

UPGRADE your belief systems and past conditioning at subconscious level;

REWRITE your DNA, Timelines, and Blueprints;

CLEAR Trauma Imprints and Trapped Emotions from your energy bodies;

DISCONNECT you from fear, lack, and disease Collective Consciousness;

STOP you from living on autopilot and become more intentional in your everyday life; AND

EVOLVE into a version of you who is more secure and confident in your ability to manifest and create the life you want.

This is NOT a guided meditation, NOT an affirmation, NOT a how-to instruction, or anything like that!

THIS IS CHANNELED SOURCE ENERGY that’s actually doing the inner work for you.

About the Facilitator

Tamra Oviatt, Founder of Sacred Activations

Energy Healer I Medical Intuitive I Gridworker I Galactic & Multiversal Free Channel I Subconscious Metaprogrammer

Sacred Activations was gifted to her in 2012 at Rosslyn Chapel, Scotland, where she received her very first Sacred Geometry Activation from Lord Metatron, along with the Sacred Golden Seals that allow her to facilitate Activations on others.
Tamra Oviatt is a walk-in soul from Arcturus. From the age of three, she had two souls in her body until 2018 when the original soul chose to leave. She is now fully integrated to carry out the sacred work that was gifted to her.

Just recently, Tamra won The Ommie Award as Best Alternative Healer/Medical Intuitive at OMTimes Media.

Her free weekly healing show, Metaprogramming in the Human Biocomputer, was picked up by Iheart Radio for podcast. This show is available on Spotify, Amazon Music, iTunes, and Youtube TV.

She has also been featured on the cover of OMTimes Magazine, had an article published in Kindred Spirit Magazine, and is a regular guest on various spiritual and self-development shows and programs.

Tamra is now an author of 11 training books and a master teacher of 12 Sacred Activations and Akashic Records classes, certifying over 1500 practitioners around the world.

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