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Living in the 5th Dimensional Consciousness

OMTimes 15th Navigating the 5D World and Disconnecting from the Collective Programs

Join Tamra in this episode as she shares with you how to navigate our 5D world right now where manifestations happen faster. She reminds everyone that living in 5D is about focusing on what you want, not on what you don’t want. It’s about redirecting your thoughts and energy to what brings you joy. It’s about disconnecting from the collective feeling of fear, overwhelm, and suffering.

At the end of this session, she will be running Activations/Deactivations that help you disconnect from the collective consciousness that are no longer serving you in the 5D world:

Family Constellations
Fear of Your Own Power
Healthy Boundaries
Anger and Resentment Deactivation
Bleeding Heart
Get Your Keys Back
Universal Life Grid
Total Body Connection
Mother Earth

Watch this week’s episode at the following links:

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