Receive the 30 Sacred Golden Seals that give you the ability to reprogram your subconscious mind and that of others. AUTOMATICALLY!
Activate your DNA and Sacred Geometry within your energy field to accelerate your Healing, Manifestation, and Ascension.
Open your psychic and healing gift.
Over 200 Audio Activations and Deactivations worth $2000
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What our practitioners say about working with Sacred Activations:
This is an unbelievable modality. It is so much easier than any other modalities and it works faster. And you see tangible results almost immediately. I’ve been doing energy work for over 24 years now, and this is a bomb.
I met Tamra in April 2019. I was asking for help with clearing some heavy energies from my fields. Nothing else was working! Thankfully, I was guided to Tamra! I find Sacred Activations to be the fastest and the easiest process for clearing out, activating, and creating just about everything I have been wanting to achieve. Many of the other techniques I have practiced over the past 53+ years of my life have taken a lot of time and effort to achieve even the slightest results. I am so grateful to have found Sacred Activations!!! They are easy to do, take little time and effort, and they produce awesome results. My life has been forever changed because of Tamra's Sacred Activations! Yours will, too!
I had a client who was two hours away from dying. He was in hospital and the doctor rang me and said, ‘Can you run on my patient?’ I simply ran three Activations, thinking that I was helping this person pass. I got a phone call in the morning from his wife saying that he’ll be going home next week.
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