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with Sacred Activations

A 2- session Masterclass of clearing your 7 Chakras from the belief systems, subconscious blocks, and fears that are holding you back

Incorporating the power of Sacred Activations to Caroline Myss’s Chakra Energy System

Facilitated by Tamra Oviatt

For everyone seeking to break patterns and live lighter, happier, and free


Do you feel tired of life, emotionally and spiritually drained, unproductive, or lacking energy, drive, and motivation?


Often, it’s because you are holding disempowering belief patterns, unhealthy mental habits, and fears in your subconscious that you may or you may not recognize.  In this Masterclass, you will clear your belief systems, mental patterns, and fears via your Chakra Energy System, addressing the root causes of long-standing health issues, deep-seated emotional issues, relationship issues with yourself and others, or whatever life issues that keep you from making progress and moving forward.  

Why your Chakras?

Your Chakras are the energy centers of your body that carry the emotional energy created by your inner and outer experiences. 

These experiences include your belief systems and mental patterns, emotional conditioning, attitudes, memories, relationships, and all other experiences that carry emotional charge– both positive and negative. 

These emotions generate energy impressions in your Chakras. The more negative the emotions are, the more imbalanced, misaligned, and blocked your Chakras will be. 

In other words, Chakra blockages are formed through trapped negative emotions like pain and heartache, conditioning, trauma, bad memories, negative thoughts and beliefs, or fears. 

When your Chakras are not open and not flowing freely, it will manifest as recurring physical, emotional, and psychological issues that may keep you stuck and stagnant in life.  

The aim of energy clearing is to unblock your Chakras from these emotional blockages, but energy clearing with Sacred Activations will do deeper than that.


Read further below.

Why take this class?

✓ This Masterclass is MORE than just a Chakra energy clearing session.

This will not only clear your Chakra blockages, this will also reprogram your subconscious mind — changing your belief systems, mental patterns, and emotional vibrations into something more positive, more empowering, and more grounded in love, instead of fear.

✓ Incorporates the power of Sacred Activations to Caroline Myss’s Chakra Energy System.

You will evaluate yourself through Caroline Myss’s “self-examination questions” on issues involved in each of your 7 Chakras. Through this, you will become aware of your belief patterns that no longer support your growth.

During the sessions, you will focus on these “self-examination questions” along with the emotions, thoughts, and beliefs that may come up while Tamra is running the sacred energies, clearing your Chakras and healing you in subconscious, cellular (generational), and collective levels.

✓ Receive advanced Activations/Deactivations powered by the Source God Energy.

Tons of Activations/Deactivations are given while going through each of your 7 Chakras. Once you receive the sacred energies, it will keep working on you for days, weeks, months, even years until you completely shift.

These energies will keep working on you until you notice that what you used to think, feel, or do that is disempowering is no longer there and your life is becoming easier, happier, and more free.


✓ Powerful Guided Meditation: Bringing in the Power of Gratitude

This Meditation brings you into the space where you can connect to God/Creator/Universe and connect to the energy of gratitude for all your creations. This will raise your vibration to receive more, to create more, and to experience more magic.

✓ Fruit of Life Activation will be added directly to your dashboard in Sacred Activations website

This Activation is powerful on its own.This  opens and lights up your 13 Chakras, activating the Fruit of Life Sacred Geometry in your body. This clears trapped emotions, intergenerational traumas, and belief systems related to each of your chakras to restore your auric body and brightens its colors.

Fruit of Life Activation helps you to:

  • Release Chakra blockages (formed through trapped negative emotions, traumas, or unhealthy patterns and beliefs) from your energetic body;
  • Cleanse, balance, and brightens your Chakras to maintain optimal energy flow throughout your body, making you feel calmer, lighter, and more grounded in love; and
  • Heal your recurring physical, emotional, or mental issues faster.

✓ Bonus happy happy joy joy short video

A little song sung by Tamra to put a smile on your face and to raise your vibration instantly.

✓ Lifetime access to separate video replays for each of the 7 Chakras

The replays are as expansive and transformative as the live session. Sacred Activation is powered by the Source God Energy and this intelligent divine living energy is embedded in each of the replays. You can listen to this again and again, when you need it, and still experience its powerful effects even after many years. Plus, it’s downloadable.

Here’s what you’ll experience with this 2-session chakra healing masterclass ​


Part 1

1st Chakra - Root Chakra

Issues being addressed:

Physical family and group safety and security, ability to provide for life’s necessities and stand up for yourself, feeling at home, social and familial law and order, abandonment fears, family bonding, identity, tribal honor code, support and loyalty.

Activations included but not limited to:

  • Family Constellations
  • Caste System Family
  • Inner Child
  • Family 0-7
  • Family Curses
  • Healthy Boundaries
  • Bleeding Heart
  • Lymph System
  • Vagus Nerve
  • Overwhelm

Part 2

2nd Chakra- Sacral Chakra​

Issues being addressed:

Fear of loss of control, through events such as addiction, rape, betrayal, impotence, financial loss, or abandonment by partners or colleagues, ability to take risks, personal identity, blame, guilt, money, sex, power, control, creativity, ethics, honor in relationships, decision-making ability, power to rebel.

Activations included but not limited to:

  • PTSD and sexual abuse
  • Addiction Redirection

Part 3

3rd Chakra: Solar Plexus Chakra

Issues being addressed:

Trust, fear, intimidation, self esteem, self-confidence, self-respect, ambition, courage, ability to handle crises, care of yourself and others, sensitivity to criticism, personal honor, fear of rejection and looking foolish, physical appearance anxieties, strength of character.

Part 4

4th Chakra: Heart Chakra

Issues being addressed:

Love, hatred, bitterness, grief, anger, jealousy, inability to forgive, self-centeredness, fears of loneliness, commitment and betrayal, compassion, hope, trust, ability to heal yourself and others.

Activations included but not limited to:

  • Mother Mary
  • Chris Consciousness
  • Mary Magdalene
  • 13 Petals of the Heart
  • Releasing your Ex’s Energy
  • Get Your Keys Back
  • Open Heart
  • Diamond Heart
  • Defragmentation and Laser Focus


Part 1

5th Chakra- Throat Chakra

Issues being addressed:

Choice and strength of will, personal expression, following your dreams, using personal power to create, addiction, judgment, criticism, faith, knowledge, capacity to make decisions.

Activations included but not limited to:

  • Fear of Authority
  • Black Magic Puppet Master
  • Stonehenge
  • Lord Matatron
  • Starseed
  • Galactic Federation
  • Godhead

Part 2

6th Chakra - Third Eye Chakra

Issues being addressed:

Self-evaluation, truth, intellectual abilities, feelings of inadequacy, openness to the ideas of others, ability to learn from experience, emotional intelligence.

Part 3

7th Chakra - Crown Chakra

Issues being addressed:

Ability to trust life, values, ethics, courage, humanitarianism, selflessness, ability to see the larger pattern, faith, inspiration, spirituality and devotion.

Activations included but not limited to:

  • Dark Night of the Soul
  • Rise of the Phoenix

Part 4

lining you up to your higher self

After going through the 7 Chakras, Tamra will be running more Activations to shift you in so many levels, opening and lining you up to your higher self.

Listen to this again. This will help keep you in a higher vibration and help you integrate everything you’ve done in this class. 

Activations included but not limited to:

  • Timelines and Parallel Universes
  • Defragmentation and Laser Focus
  • Heaven on Earth
  • Stargate
  • Diamond DNA
  • Golden Heart
  • Fruit of Life
  • Pillar of Light

Part 5

Powerful Guided Meditation: Bringing in the power of gratitude.

Part 6

Bonus happy happy joy joy short video. A little song to put a smile on your face and to raise your vibration instantly.

Get unstuck in every area of your life and start shifting.

Day 1

Day 2

Imagine how your life will be without those beliefs, thoughts, and fears that hold you back.


Explore your 7 Chakras based on Caroline Myss’s Anatomy of the Spirit

This Masterclass is based on Caroline Myss’s view on Human Energy System. She’s an incredible medical intuitive and an undeniable authority on Chakras. 

Each of your 7 Chakras holds specific belief systems, emotional patterns, and fears on different aspects of your life. 

The Source God Energy will clear the issues and fears highlighted in each of the 7 Chakras below through the power of Sacred Activations, facilitated by Tamra Oviatt. 

Take time to evaluate your belief systems and get ready to release those beliefs that don’t serve you. You will be clearing them during the live session. 

Root Chakra: Muladhara

The first chakra is the foundation of emotional and mental health. Your connection to traditional familial beliefs supports the formation of identity and a sense of belonging to a group.


Physical family and group safety and security, ability to provide for life’s necessities and stand up for yourself, feeling at home, social and familial law and order, abandonment fears, family bonding, identity, tribal honor code, support and loyalty.

Primary fears

Fears of physical survival, abandonment by the group, and loss of physical order.

Questions for Self-Examination

  1. What belief patterns did you inherit from your family?
  2. Which of those belief patterns that still have authority in your thinking can you acknowledge are no longer valid?
  3. What superstitions do you have? Which has more authority over you than your own reasoning ability?
  4. Do you have a personal code of honor? What is it?
  5. Have you ever compromised your sense of honor? If so, have you taken steps to heal it?
  6. Do you have any unfinished business with your family members? If so, list the reasons that prevent you from healing your family relationships.
  7. List all the blessings that you feel came from your family.
  8. If you are now raising a family of your own, list the qualities that you would like your children to learn from you.
  9. What tribal traditions and rituals do you continue for yourself and your family?
  10. Describe the tribal characteristics within yourself that you would like to strengthen and develop.

Sacral Chakra: Swadhisthana

The second chakra is your center of personal power, creativity, sexuality, and finances. Issues of physical survival, control, and one-on-one relationships are at the core of this energy center.


Fear of loss of control, through events such as addiction, rape, betrayal, impotence, financial loss, or abandonment by partners or colleagues, ability to take risks, personal identity, blame, guilt, money, sex, power, control, creativity, ethics, honor in relationships, decision-making ability, power to rebel.

Primary fears

Fears of loss of control, or being controlled by another, through the dominating power of events or conditions such as addiction, rape, betrayal, impotence, financial loss, abandonment by our primary partner or professional colleagues. Also, fear of the loss of the power of the physical body.

Questions for Self-Examination

  1. How do you define creativity? Do you consider yourself a creative person? Do you follow through on your creative ideas?
  2. How often do you direct your creative energies into negative paths of expression? Do you exaggerate or embellish “facts” to support your point of view?
  3. Are you comfortable with your sexuality? If not, are you able to work toward healing your sexual imbalances? Do you use people for sexual pleasure, or have you felt used? Are you strong enough to honor your sexual boundaries?
  4. Do you keep your word? What is your personal code of honor? of ethics? Do you negotiate your ethics depending upon your circumstances?
  5. Do you have an impression of God as a force that exerts justice in your life?
  6. Are you a controlling person? Do you engage in power plays in your relationships? Are you able to see yourself clearly in circumstances related to power and money?
  7. Does money have authority over you? Do you make compromises that violate your inner self for the sake of financial security?
  8. How often do survival fears dictate your choices?
  9. Are you strong enough to master your fears concerning finances and physical survival, or do they control you and your attitudes?
  10. What goals do you have for yourself that you have yet to pursue? What stands in the way of your acting upon those goals?

Solar Plexus Chakra: Manipura

The third chakra furthers the development of self esteem and personality, separate from your tribal identity. This is where you learn to draw and maintain strong boundaries and a personal code of honor.


Trust, fear, intimidation, self esteem, self-confidence, self-respect, ambition, courage, ability to handle crises, care of yourself and others, sensitivity to criticism, personal honor, fear of rejection and looking foolish, physical appearance anxieties, strength of character.

Primary fears

Fears of rejection, criticism, looking foolish, and failing to meet one’s responsibilities; all fears related to physical appearance, such as fear of obesity, baldness, or aging; fears that others will discover our secrets.

Questions for Self-Examination

  1. Do you like yourself? If not, what don’t you like about yourself, and why? Are you actively working to change the things about yourself that you don’t like?
  2. Are you honest? Do you sometimes misrepresent the truth? If so, why?
  3. Are you critical of others? Do you need to blame others as a way of protecting yourself?
  4. Are you able to admit it when you are wrong? Are you open to feedback from other people about yourself?
  5. Do you need the approval of others? If so, why?
  6. Do you consider yourself strong or weak? Are you afraid of taking care of yourself?
  7. Have you ever allowed yourself to be in a relationship with a person you didn’t really love, but it seemed better than being alone?
  8. Do you respect yourself? Can you decide to make changes in your lifestyle and then stick to your commitment?
  9. Are you afraid of responsibility? Or do you feel responsible for everything and everyone?
  10. Are you continually wishing your life were different? If so, are you doing anything to change it, or have you resigned yourself to your situation?

Heart Chakra: Anahata

Here lies the powerhouse of the human energy system. From its middle position, the fourth chakra mediates between the body and spirit, and determines their health, strength, and balance.


Love, hatred, bitterness, grief, anger, jealousy, inability to forgive, self-centeredness, fears of loneliness, commitment and betrayal, compassion, hope, trust, ability to heal yourself and others.

Primary fears

Fears of loneliness, commitment, and “following one’s heart”; fear of inability to protect oneself emotionally; fear of emotional weakness and betrayal. Loss of fourth chakra energy can give rise to jealousy, bitterness, anger, hatred, and an inability to forgive others as well as oneself.

Questions for Self-Examination

  1. What emotional memories do you still need to heal?
  2. What relationships in your life require healing?
  3. Do you ever use your emotional wounds to control people or situations? If so, describe them.
  4. Have you ever allowed yourself to be controlled by the wounds of another person? What are your feelings about letting that happen again? What steps are you prepared to take to prevent yourself from being controlled that way again?
  5. What fears do you have about becoming emotionally healthy?
  6. Do you associate emotional health with no longer needing an intimate relationship?
  7. What is your understanding of forgiveness?
  8. Who are the people you have yet to forgive, and what prevents you from letting go of the pain you associate with them?
  9. What have you done that needs forgiving? Which people are working to forgive you?
  10. What is your understanding of a healthy, intimate relationship? Are you willing to release the use of your wounds in order to open yourself to such a relationship?

Throat Chakra: Vishuddha

The fifth chakra is the center of your struggle with choice and the ability to release your will to Divine guidance. Its essence is faith - faith in our fears or faith in the Divine.


Choice and strength of will, personal expression, following your dreams, using personal power to create, addiction, judgment, criticism, faith, knowledge, capacity to make decisions.

Primary fears

Fears related to our willpower exist within each chakra, appropriate to that chakra. We fear having no authority or power of choice within our own lives, first within our tribes, then within our personal and professional relationships. And then we fear having no authority with ourselves, being out of control when it comes to our response to substances, to money, to power, to another person’s emotional control over our well-being. And finally, we fear the will of

God. The notion of releasing our power of choice to a Divine force remains the greatest struggle for the individual seeking to become conscious.

Questions for Self-Examination

  1. What is your definition of being “strong-willed”?
  2. Who are the people in your life that have control over your willpower, and why?
  3. Do you seek to control others? If so, who are they, and why do you need to control them?
  4. Are you able to express yourself honestly and openly when you need to? If not, why not?
  5. Are you able to sense when you are receiving guidance to act upon?
  6. Do you trust guidance that has no “proof” of the outcome attached to it?
  7. What fears do you have associated with Divine guidance?
  8. Do you pray for assistance with your personal plans, or are you able to say, “I will do what heaven directs me to do”?
  9. What makes you lose control of your own willpower?
  10. Do you bargain with yourself in situations in which you know you need to change but you continually postpone taking action? If so, identify those situations and your reasons for not wanting to act.

Third Eye Chakra: Ajna

The sixth chakra is the energy center of intuition, intellect and reasoning. Known as the “third eye”, it involves our mental abilities, and our psychological skill at evaluating our beliefs and attitudes.


Self-evaluation, truth, intellectual abilities, feelings of inadequacy, openness to the ideas of others, ability to learn from experience, emotional intelligence.

Primary fears

An unwillingness to look within and excavate one’s fears; fear of truth when one’s reason is clouded; fear of sound, realistic judgment; fear of relying on external counsel, of discipline; fear of one’s shadow side and its attributes.

Questions for Self-Examination

  1. What beliefs do you have that cause you to interpret the actions of others in a negative way?
  2. What negative behavioral patterns continually surface in your relationships with others?
  3. What attitudes do you have that disempower you?
  4. What beliefs do you continue to accept that you know are not true?
  5. Are you judgmental? If so, what situations or relationships tend to bring out that tendency in you?
  6. Do you give yourself excuses for behaving in negative ways?
  7. Can you recall instances in which you were confronted with a more profound level of truth than you were used to hearing and found the experience intimidating?
  8. What beliefs and attitudes would you like to change in yourself? Are you willing to make a commitment to making those changes?
  9. Are you comfortable thinking about your life in impersonal terms?
  10. Are you frightened of the changes that might occur in your life, should you openly embrace a conscious lifestyle?

Crown Chakra: Sahasrara

The seventh chakra is our connection to our spiritual nature and our capacity to allow spirituality to become an integral part of our physical lives.


Ability to trust life, values, ethics, courage, humanitarianism, selflessness, ability to see the larger pattern, faith, inspiration, spirituality and devotion.

Primary fears

Fears relating to spiritual issues such as the “dark night of the soul”; fears of spiritual abandonment, loss of identity, and loss of connection with life and people around us.

Questions for Self-Examination

  1. What questions have you sought guidance with during meditation or moments of prayer?
  2. What answers to these questions would you most fear?
  3. Do you bargain with God? Do you complain to God more than you express gratitude? Do you tend to pray for specific things rather than pray in appreciation?
  4. Are you devoted to a particular spiritual path? If not, do you feel a need to find one? Have you found surrogates to be devoted to? If so, list and evaluate your relationship to them.
  5. Do you believe that your God is more authentic than the Divine in other spiritual traditions?
  6. Are you waiting for God to send you an explanation for your painful experiences? If so, list those experiences.
  7. How would your life change if God suddenly decided to answer your questions? And how would it change if the answer you received was “I have no intention of giving you insight into your questions at this point in your life”? What would you be prepared to do then?
  8. Have you started and stopped a meditation practice? If so, what are the reasons that you failed to maintain it?
  9. What spiritual truths are you aware of that you do not live by? List them.
  10. Are you afraid of a closer spiritual connection to the Divine because of the changes that it might trigger in your life?

10 Activations included in package B

What subconscious programs (belief systems, emotional patterns, mental constructs, and past conditioning) that you no longer wish to experience? This Activation helps you to uninstall old unwanted programs from your subconscious mind and install new programs that you desire to have.

Our subconscious minds are like PCs where we can install and delete programs of beliefs, thoughts, feelings, and emotions.

When you receive this sacred energy, you will:

– Clear out emotions and feelings that you no longer wish to feel and plug you into emotional states that you want to experience all the time;

– Disconnect from a group consciousness that you no longer want to influence you; and

– Be able to recognize and delete that past conditioning that you desire to release.


This is a really cool Activation. You can listen to this over and over again, and each time you do this, you can plug and unplug something different.

Do you feel like someone has been sending you extremely negative energy or has been using black energy on you? Do you feel like you are being afflicted by the “Evil Eye” or dark vibrations from another person?

This Activation protects you from the attacks and influence of dark energies that are trying to control you. These dark energies are the negative powers that people send towards you through their desirous and predatory thoughts, envious thoughts, evil intentions, or black magic.

Receiving this energy helps you:

  • Protect yourself from psychic attacks, ill intentions, malevolent thoughts, black magic, or other forms of negative energies that people may send towards you, intentionally or unintentionally.
  • Keep your own power by not letting negative people manipulate, control, and own you and your energy.
  • Be filled with light, love, and blessings, so the attacker can’t harm and influence you and so you can send light and healing to their darkness.

Connecting to this sacred energy empowers you to see your value and importance, elevating you to a higher understanding that you’re amazing more than you know, deserving of everything and more.

This Activation releases your feeling of not being a big deal and not being confident of yourself. This brings in the energy of knowing your value and importance, because you matter and you are NEVER a waste of space.

Receiving this energy empowers you to:

– Understand your true value and importance with a knowing that your dreams, hopes, and aspirations are as valuable as everybody else’s.

  • See more positive things about you.
  • Be confident in your unique individuality.

This Activation helps you let go of your subconscious need to get people, especially your family and friends, to come with you as you shift, expand, and raise your vibration, making you understand that you have to let them at their current level and let them have their experience without judging them.

If you are shifting and expanding a lot, do you find yourself trying to pull other people with different vibrations up just so they can keep up with you? Or do you go back and try to get them and drag them along with you?

Sometimes, we subconsciously stop ourselves from shifting because we want those around us to catch up with us. We want them to be in alignment with our new perspective and understanding. We want them to resonate with our beliefs.

This Activation releases you from that subconscious need

What is the most disempowering trap your ego have set for you? Do you see yourself better than those whom you think are lack of spiritual awareness? Do you feel like your job is to lead others into the light by imposing your spiritual views on them? Or do you see spirituality as a race?

This Activation balances your highest self and your ego, releasing your inner spiritual judge and your self-image of specialness, entitlement, and perfection.

Receiving this energy allows you to:

  • Release any feeling of superiority and “I am so special” mentality that disconnect you from others;
  • Merge the strength of your ego and the wisdom of your highest self, guiding you towards choices that support your best and highest good, as well as the highest good of everyone around you; and
  • Cultivate humility and openness, allowing you to share your gifts with the world and experience the joy of helping others without judging their “level”.

Do you ever feel that something is missing in your life and you can’t figure out what exactly is missing? This Activation integrates missing elements of yourself back into your life, including your inner child. This will heal and retrieve essential part of yourself, your soul, that have been broken and lost, so you’ll return to your authentic self, whole, complete, and glowing with light.

Soul fragmentation occurs when we have lived through pain, neglect, grief, and trauma, and we split part of ourselves and leave it in that timeline. This is the way we learn to survive traumatic experiences.

Receiving this sacred energy helps you to:

  • Recover and release blocked and repressed aspects of your psyche (soul) to find a sense of wholeness and completeness in your inner life;
  • Address the traumatic experiences that have fragmented your soul; and
  • Retrieve pieces of your soul from other dimensions, realms, timelines, or parallel realities, so you’ll get in touch again with the authentic essence of who you truly are.

Do you believe that older adults can’t learn new things? Do you believe that certain diseases come as you age? Do you blame the aging process for exhibiting certain behaviors, such as forgetfulness, angry outburst, or rigidity? This Activation clears negative aging beliefs and releases you from collective consciousness about aging.

There are more than 400 studies about the impact of an individual’s internalized beliefs about aging on your general health and wellbeing.

In our culture, aging beliefs are huge belief programs that are predominantly negative. This Activation clears your beliefs, assumptions, and negative responses to the aging process.

Receiving this Activation helps you to:

  • Disconnect from the collective consciousness about aging and clear the program of negative beliefs that come with it;
  • Remove the aging gene and replace it with the youth gene, allowing you to live with the light and spirit of being ageless; and
  • Become aware of your own age beliefs and strengthen positive age beliefs.

This advanced sacred energy activates the glandular centers in the brain: the pituitary gland, pineal gland, hypothalamus, and the medulla oblongata or the Godhead. This Activation awaken your psychic and intuitive abilities, allowing you to have deeper intuitive connections and experiences.

The pituitary gland is the center of intuition. The pineal gland the center of enlightenment. At the base of your brain is the Medulla Oblongata, which is considered the Godhead. This part of your brain is the principal point of entry of cosmic energy into your body.

When these psychics centers in your brain are activated, you will be able to:

  • Experience better communication with your Higher Self, spirit guides, angels, and the Source;
  • Greater awareness of truth;
  • Create more flow and fluidity in your life;
  • Trust your inner voice and yourself;
  • Intuitively understand and know which steps to take that lead you to the life you desire; and
  • Freedom from fear-based thoughts and emotions that used to hold you back.


Each time you listen to this Activation, your vibration will raise higher.

Do you constantly feel like you’re a victim all the time, believing that you lack the power to change your situations and circumstances?  Do you always place the blame elsewhere? This Activation addresses the victim mindset, so you begin to take charge of your life and recognize your power to walk away from unwanted situations.

This sacred energy helps you build, set, and preserve better and healthy boundaries with your family, partner, social circles, co-workers, boss, and other people, so you thrive in your relationships and maintain your mental and emotional health.

With healthy boundaries, you’re NOT letting others treat you the way you don’t deserve, take advantage of you, or make decisions for you.

Receiving this Activation allows you to:

  • Be able to identify your boundaries and understand why you need them.
  • Protect your physical and emotional space by learning to say NO.
  • Be assertive with confidence and without the need for being aggressive and rude.
  • Enhance your mental health and emotional well-being.

Become one of those who have already shifted their lives through Sacred Activations!

Judy Hoyt

Carla Thompson
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Thank you Tamra for all of your ongoing support. I will say that the activations have moved me through so many challenging times last and this year. So much has changed in my life, my life has actually become a Tabula Rasa, a blank slate, and actually created a reset in my life on so many levels. I am about to move into a new level of service, which I would not have been able to achieve without first clearing old energies - opening me up for the new, expansive ones. I know there is more work to do, but Sacred Activations moves a person through life change carefully and in a beautiful manner. Of course, Tamra's high level of intuitive skills guide her to just the right Activation, in the right moment, for each and every person. This is customized healing with God-Source, and Tamra is the best Facilitator Ever.
Sophie Lacroix
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I recently started using sacred activations on a regular basis. I'm a person who has a very intrusive mind, who does not listen to her intuition and who has very little feeling. I'm often in control and in expectation. When I started listening to the sacred activations I felt like nothing was happening and when I got to some activations tears flowed profusely while listening. I realized then that I felt and released myself. I also feel that an energy of hope is more present. There are so many activations that I want to experience!! Thank you for this easy to apply and powerful technique. Gratitude and love!!
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To everyone, if there is a webinar or class that you are considering to buy please please please buy this class as this class is packed with tons and tons of Sacred Activations and clearings.( ALMOST 100 SACRED ACTIVATIONS RAN! ) One of the most thorough classes I have attended for clearing the chakras. Self care is so important after this class too. Thank you Tamra too for all the thank you and gratitude to God meditation and also for the Happy Happy Joy Joy video at the end it brought me back again to my happy and playful child within.

For a more in-depth understanding of the Human Energy System, read Caroline Myss’s book Anatomy of the Spirit. The focus of this Masterclass is to release you and unstuck you from everything that is holding you back, so you can start moving forward, creating the life you desire, and living as the best loving version of yourself

Get unstuck in every area of your life and start shifting.



upon purchase

CREDIT to Caroline Myss

This masterclass is based from Caroline Myss's book ANATOMY OF THE SPIRIT. Caroline Myss is a five-time New York Times bestselling author and internationally renowned speaker in the fields of human consciousness, spirituality and mysticism, health, energy medicine, and the science of medical intuition. In 1996, Caroline released ANATOMY OF THE SPIRIT, a New York Times bestseller that has been published in 28 languages and has sold over 1.5 million copies.

For more information about Caroline Myss, check her website at

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