Dear Universe, which Activations would serve me today? GET YOUR FREE READINGS NOW

Pillar of Light

You are a Pillar of Light.

The light of the Cosmos and the light of the Earth are running through the midline of your body. Beneath your feet, it connects to the heart of Mother Earth. Above your head, it continues across all dimensions to the Eye of God.

Seeing, feeling, and experiencing yourself as The Pillar of Light allows you to:
Pull out and clear hooks, cords, arrows, swords, energetic imprints, or any attachments that is not supposed to be in your Pillar of Light.

Use this Activation to cleanse and protect yourself, to manifest, to bring light onto the Earth, and to connect directly to higher realms of light and to the higher aspects of yourself and Source.

This helps you stand in your power as the light that you truly are.

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