Dear Universe, which Activations would serve me today? GET YOUR FREE READINGS NOW

Spiritual Ego Release

What is the most disempowering trap your ego has set for you? Do you see yourself better than those
whom you think are lacking spiritual awareness? Do you feel like your job is to lead others into the light
by imposing your spiritual views on them? Or do you see spirituality as a race?
This Activation balances your highest self and your ego, releasing your inner spiritual judge and your
self-image of specialness, entitlement, and perfection.
Receiving this energy allows you to:

  • Release any feeling of superiority and “I am so special” mentality that disconnect you from
  • Merge the strength of your ego and the wisdom of your highest self, guiding you towards
    choices that support your best and highest good, as well as the highest good of everyone
    around you; and
  • Cultivate humility and openness, allowing you to share your gifts with the world and
    experience the joy of helping others without judging their “level”.
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